######################################## # XMAPTOOLS V1.6 MASK-COORDINATES File # ######################################## %-------------------------------N-O-T-I-C-E------------------------------------- In this file you can store the mask names and the corresponding coordinates for the pixels used as input compositions (see details regarding the mask function in Lanari et al. 2014). This 1.6.5 new functions allows to save time when you want to try to calculate many masks with different functions, but using the same input compositions. When you execute the 'compute mask' function, select 'from a file' in the 'input pixels' menu. Then select this file using the opening tool window. -> Coordinates can be obtained in XMapTools using the two displays in the right panel. -> Each line should have three variables (Name, X and Y) delimited by space or tabulations... %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >1 Put below the list of | Mask Name | X | Y | ... Amphibole 209 41 Fe-Oxide 231 9 Ti-Oxide 48 401 Omphacite 105 119 Clinopyroxene 253 79 Plagioclase 175 59 Garnet 81 51