############################### # XMAPTOOLS V1.6 PROFILE FILE # ############################### %------------------------------------------N-O-T-I-C-E---------------------------------------------------- Point mode analyses (standards) used for the standardization (details in De Andrade et al. 2006). This file is detailed in the user notice (http://www.xmaptools.com/?page_id=36) ##### UPDATE 1.6 ##### (28 Dec 2012 - P. Lanari) Due to the problems with this file, the format has been New case sensitive shortcuts (only > and the following number). ##### NEW FORMAT ##### !>1 Image coordinates (Microprobe dependent, see the XMapToolsCoordinatesTool.xls spreadsheet) ! xleft xright ybott ytop coordinates calculated using the XMapToolsCoordinatesTool.xls spreadsheet !>2 Oxides order (oxides separated by spaces or tab X and Y must be the two last values) ! Oxides separated by spaces (see the list available in the user notice) !>3 Analyses (can be pasted from excel) ! Analyses using the order defined in >2 (One anlysis by line) %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >1 Here put in the image coordinates (from XMapToolsCoordinatesTool.xls) 76.621 77.521 37.068 35.020 >2 Here define the oxides order Na2O MnO K2O MgO FeO SiO2 Cr2O3 CaO Al2O3 TiO2 X Y >3 Here paste the analyses 6.4000 0.2136 0.0794 8.2800 16.2000 53.9200 0.0000 1.9600 9.8700 0.0797 77.057 36.655 7.1000 0.0000 0.0243 9.7800 14.6700 55.9500 0.0000 1.2782 8.5900 0.0286 77.079 36.700 6.5700 0.0000 0.0423 10.0500 14.3500 54.9000 0.1268 1.6700 8.2500 0.0674 77.101 36.648 6.9300 0.0000 0.0354 8.7100 15.5500 55.8200 0.0000 1.1574 9.2100 0.0485 77.072 36.744 6.9900 0.1089 0.0396 9.6700 14.2700 55.3900 0.0000 1.2051 8.5300 0.0195 77.106 36.699 7.1300 0.0000 0.0465 9.6500 14.1600 55.4500 0.0000 1.2483 8.7700 0.0900 77.129 36.712 6.5900 0.0371 0.0166 9.4800 14.9000 55.5300 0.0583 1.2689 8.7000 0.1077 77.134 36.633 6.7700 0.0000 0.0153 9.2100 13.9600 55.3700 0.0195 1.3280 8.0600 0.1187 77.160 36.702 6.7400 0.0000 0.0264 8.5400 15.4600 55.4100 0.1068 1.1925 8.9100 0.0192 77.060 36.698 6.5200 0.0652 0.0926 8.3800 16.2800 52.3200 0.0291 2.0200 10.1100 0.1387 77.078 36.629 0.0038 0.2345 0.0371 0.0295 0.8211 0.0109 0.0305 0.2002 0.0508 97.4700 77.160 36.573 5.0600 0.2443 0.3377 5.6900 22.4500 44.7800 0.0286 6.3700 12.3000 0.2473 77.061 36.772 5.1300 0.3624 0.3506 5.4500 22.2000 44.6600 0.0000 6.3300 12.6500 0.2200 77.044 36.758 0.0240 0.0366 0.0000 0.0000 0.6248 99.5100 0.0414 0.0388 0.0000 0.0000 77.118 36.243 0.0245 1.4100 0.0000 2.7100 29.2200 36.4800 0.1118 6.8500 20.0600 2.9200 77.081 36.354 8.9100 0.0015 0.0195 5.7100 13.2400 55.0200 0.1086 9.2700 7.0300 0.1084 77.111 36.279 8.0700 0.1233 0.0058 5.6700 13.1800 54.5600 0.0148 11.0100 6.8800 0.0301 76.968 36.608 0.0340 2.4300 0.0023 2.1000 28.1400 37.9200 0.0000 8.7600 19.5700 0.1933 76.968 36.599 0.0294 2.3300 0.0000 2.1300 28.9500 37.8600 0.0000 8.2800 19.7100 0.1929 76.967 36.590 0.0192 2.5600 0.0000 2.1500 28.4800 37.7400 0.0000 8.2800 19.5700 0.1741 76.967 36.581 0.0225 2.7000 0.0027 2.0500 28.7100 37.8600 0.0651 8.1000 19.7100 0.1651 76.967 36.572 0.0083 2.9200 0.0140 2.0100 28.9700 37.7400 0.0000 7.7700 19.7600 0.1373 76.966 36.563 0.0000 3.1800 0.0104 1.9400 29.0300 37.8300 0.0139 7.8900 19.7000 0.1500 76.966 36.554 0.0543 2.8700 0.0000 2.0100 28.6900 37.7700 0.0000 8.0000 19.8500 0.1657 76.965 36.545 0.0425 2.3600 0.0080 2.0000 28.1700 37.6100 0.0000 8.6900 19.7700 0.1699 76.965 36.536 0.0109 2.7900 0.0000 1.8500 28.5500 37.7800 0.0000 8.4300 19.5200 0.1574 76.965 36.527 0.0472 2.7700 0.0000 1.8800 28.1400 37.7200 0.0000 8.8400 19.5100 0.2120 76.965 36.518